
Computer Code Art

I think assembly looks cool. Seeing it in a terminal is one thing, but expressing it on a dystopian image combines to evoke a certain emotion that resembles that of cyberpunk.

The shellcode transplanted on to that image is used to pop a shell. Shellcode is usually something that is utilized post-infection and can allow an attacker to fully establish a foothold on a system.

Having this idea in mind, shellcode on a picture is like another way of expressing the situation at hand, you can’t get out if you don’t know what you want. Shellcode is a juxtaposition to this idea since it is used for exact purposes.

Other code art is interesting too, particularly that done in a terminal. Take this code for example

import time
import sys

for i in range(0, 10):
    s = f'{i}' * 11 + '\t' + f'{i}' * 11
    print(f"\r{s}", end='', flush=True)

It doesn’t do much besides print the numbers 0 to 10. What’s interesting is that the concept can be expounded on to produce interesting works like that of compund_eye.rb. Coding can be used to make utilitarian things, but it can also be art in itself, whether the art be how a tool was made or the itself.

This is my attempt at modern art. If it means nothing to you, then that’s fine too :)